Sunday, June 17, 2012

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Last week I went to see Prometheus, and despite of what most of the reviews I've read since then had to say, I didn't think it was stupid, I wasn't bothered by any plot holes and I don't think Ridley Scott needs to stop making movies. In fact, I thought it was one of the most interesting, thought provoking, intense, visually breathtaking and just awesome movies I have ever seen. And the 3D was really good too! Until now, the only two Ridley Scott movies I've actually liked were Alien and Blade Runner, so I basically haven't enjoyed any of his stuff since I was two years old, but Prometheus just blew my stupid little mind to bits. It's no Alien, because it's not about chasing a scary monster through dark corridors, but it's so much more than that. I'm not saying I actually understood even half of it, but I knew I was watching something truly unique, and long before the movie ended I knew that I wanted to see it again in the next couple of weeks. And then I went online and read a lengthy but elegant analysis of the film, and then I knew I just had to see it again as soon as fucking possible. The explanation seemed kinda weird, but it was based on interviews with Mr. Scott himself, and in a way it made perfect sense (spoiler: once again it's all the chosen people's fault). So yeah, it's pretty clear to me that I'm going to enjoy Prometheus even better the second time, but that will have to wait until I get back from visiting Germany. In the meantime, my message to Ridley Scott is simply this: please make more sci-fi movies, you're really good at those, and please don't bother with other genres anymore, because the last thing the world needs right now is more movies that don't have any robots or gooey space monsters.

Well apparently Charlize Theron is one of those women who still look amazing even as they near their Terrible 37. Good for her!

Coming up next week: expect a bunch of poorly taken pictures of cute German puppies, and if I'm lucky enough, cute German kitties too!

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