Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Like Viagra for that other thing you think with

Today I went to see Limitless, and it was actually pretty good, despite of how much the cast list managed to mislead me. I mean, I saw the trailer, and I knew it was about this writer dude who takes this magic pill and gets more smarter and stuff, but I wasn't really sure if it was sci-fi-y enough for me, and so the main reason I went anyway was the promise that the extremely lovely Anna Friel had a large-ish role in it. Well, she doesn't, and during the one short scene she's in she looks like a three day old corpse, which really isn't hot as it may sound. So yeah, huge disappointment. I'm still glad I went though, because Limitless is a pretty interesting and entertaining movie, the kind that the '90s version of David Fincher could have made into something totally awesome. As it is, it's a not-too-dumb techno thriller with plenty of cool moments that's basically just lots and lots of fun, even though I'm pretty sure that in reality, if some loser got himself a surprisingly charismatic super brain he'd probably spend less time hanging around old guys in business suits and more time with frivolous young ladies with not too many clothes on. Or maybe that's just the super-brained version of me.

Thanks gawd for cute freckled chicks

The obvious next step would be to read Alan Glynn's The Dark Fields, the novel Limitless is based on. I just hope that Anna Friel's character has a lot more to do in the book than in the movie version. Also, sex scenes. Running my very own personal movie version in my head would be pretty damn awesome if her character has lots of sex scenes in the book. And you know what? Even if she doesn't, I'm still going to think about Ms. Friel doing naked things in my head. Bad things. Dirty things. Things that involve cheesecake. And there's not a damn thing she can do about it. Not one damn thing.

And finally, a bonus haiku:

Lady on the bus
You're not twenty anymore
Please put a bra on

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