I think Paré means mashed potatoes in Italian or something
Now, Jessica Paré is quite obviously a smoking hot little piece of ass who looks nothing short of amazing as a sexy vampire bass player, but throughout the entire film whenever I looked at her there was only one thing I could think about: big droopy boobs. I wasn't even sure why, until I got back home and looked her up on IMDB and realized that she was the naked chick who humped the chubby black dude in the hot tub in Hot Tub Time Machine! And it's not like her breasts are unattractive in any kind of way, but anyone would have to admit that they do in fact point in a general southern direction. Which really isn't very surprising when you take into account the sheer size of them and their 100% plastic-free composition, but does she really have to flaunt them like that in every other movie she makes? I would've been perfectly happy with a Maxim bikini shoot or something, anything that would provide adequate support for the Paré twins. Yeah, a Maxim bikini shoot would've done nicely. And while we're on the subject of chicks who keep flashing their less than perfect boobs at me, why does Carla Gallo keep playing the topless slut in every single thing she's in?!
Carla Gallo with her clothes on
(under which she's probably naked again)
I like Ms. Gallo just fine, and it's not like I have anything against tiny little titties, but when they're not very attractive then I see absolutely no reason to keep showing them off all the time. Sigh. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that I go to movies to be entertained and sometimes maybe get somewhat aroused, and if I would ever want to see what normal, average boobs look like I could just turn the lights off and look out my window with the shutters half closed and an economy size bottle of body lotion at hand like a normal person. You know, it's pretty funny how the older a woman gets, the less shy about her body she becomes. Funny and sexy, I suppose. Especially if you really miss your grandma.
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